Stevie Nicks’ latest single “The Lighthouse” was inspired by the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
When asked by CBS’s Tracy Smith why she took the risk of addressing the ongoing abortion debate, Nicks said, “Because everybody kept saying, ‘Well, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to say something.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, I have a platform. I tell a good story. So maybe I should try to do something.’ I was also there. I was, ‘been there, done that.’”
Nicks shared she had an abortion in 1979 when she was dating Don Henley.
She said, “I got pregnant. And it was like, Why? I have an IUD. I am totally protected. I have a great gynecologist. How come this has happened? What the heck?
She added, “ … Having a child with Don Henley would not have gone over big in Fleetwood Mac, with Lindsey and me – we had been broken up for two or three years. It would’ve been a nightmare scenario for me to live through.”