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40th Anniversary of the Grave Digger: Listen as Joe Hawk Talks With Monster Jam Driver Tyler Menninga



What is a better way to start the new year off than watching 12,000 lb Monster Trucks launch into the air? If you had to pause and think then either you have no plans to lose weight for a resolution, or you couldn’t think of a better answer! Monster Jam is making its return to the Bay Area on January 8th & 9th and not only will you see your favorite trucks take it to the dirt tracks for the race circuit and freestyle but this year marks the 40th anniversary of Grave Digger! 

Joe Hawk recently spoke with one of the members of the Grave Digger team Tyler Menninga and got the inside scoop behind what to expect this year and a little backstory to the young driver. Let’s just say that “controlled chaos” is going to be in play this year as we celebrate forty years of Grave Digger. 

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