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Astronauts Blast AC/DC, Black Sabbath Before Historic Launch



Photo: Joe Raedle – Getty Images

Saturday marked a historic moment for space travel as astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time ever in a space craft designed and operated by a private company. Oh, and also they blasted some sweet tunes to get hyped for the moment.

Reports came out the following day that the duo had rocked out to AC/DC’s Back in Black in preparation for their journey. The reason the astronauts say, because “they are back.” The pair apparently blasted the song as they made their way out to the shuttle. Flying on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket and sitting in the cutting-edge Dragon capsule this marks the first space flight carrying US astronauts to launch on American soil since the space shuttle was retired almost a decade ago.

However, Behnken and Hurley’ musical journey was not over yet. As the lengthly journey from orbit to the ISS concluded the astronauts were awoken by an alarm clock from SpaceX to the tune of Planet Caravan by Black Sabbath.

The pair successfully docked at the ISS Sunday morning. Mission success.