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Tommy Lee says Running of the Bulls is ‘more twisted’ than ‘wildest days with Mötley Crüe’



Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee penned an open letter ahead of the annual Pamplona Bull Run (July 6-14), urging people to rethink their choice in attending or taking part in the event.

The annual event, also known as the “Running of the Bulls,” takes place in Pamplona, Spain and dates back to the 14th century. As part of the Festival of San Férmin, bulls and steers are released onto the streets of Pamplona and people can run with them as part of the annual tradition.

Lee, an outspoken supporter of animal rights and PETA voiced his opinions on the organization’s behalf in the Independent, commenting on what he believes are the atrocities of the event.

I’m no stranger to wild behavior – but there’s one thing that even I wouldn’t do, and that’s running ‘with’ the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. That can f**k right off.

In the letter, Lee challenges the morals and values of the event’s supporters and bystanders.

This isn’t a test of nerve and resolve. It’s a pathetic display of human idiocy and cruelty.

He also describes the details of the event and makes arguments about the event’s cruelty toward the animals.

And let’s be honest: if people paid to watch a man in a sparkly leotard torment and butcher a dog or cat in this way, we wouldn’t dare try to excuse it as ‘tradition’ – we’d declare him a sicko, lock him up, and throw away the key…It’s truly more twisted than anything I could have imagined, even during my wildest days with Mötley Crüe.

Fortunately, most people in Spain don’t support bullfighting, and many consider it a national disgrace. It’s the tourists who keep the bullfights alive and the bulls dying…By paying money to run with the bulls or attend bullfights – even out of curiosity or by passively going along with events lined up for them in their travel itinerary – they are supporting cruelty…Because from music to motocross, we have limitless ways to entertain ourselves that don’t involve harassing, torturing or killing animals.